Health & Fitness

“I want to celebrate the body I have, while I still have it.” – Matt Dlugos
For Matt Dlugos, physical fitness is a fleeting gift not to be taken for granted.
Looking up to his father’s own physical capabilities and seeing them taken away has instilled Matt with a drive to discover his own physical limitations while he is still able to push hard to find them.
“I saw my dad’s health taken away from him at a time where it didn’t really make sense. He was a triathlete, and it really changed the way that I viewed my own health.” – Matt Dlugos
“My physical capabilities are fleeting; they’re not going to be here forever. I want to push myself and see how far I can take it, see how good I can become.” – Matt Dlugos
Growing up, Matt played a variety of sports in high school such as basketball, golf, and running. During his time at college, he was introduced to CrossFit by his mum, and hasn’t looked back since.
Matt left his job as a professional fitness coach in 2021 and moved to Las Vegas, Nevada to become a full-time athlete. Having placed 12th and 5th in two consecutive years at CrossFit Semi-finals and currently ranked 46th in the Worldwide Standings, Matt continues to rise to new levels and push himself everyday in the ultimate celebration of physical fitness and performance.
For Matt, he believes he is nowhere near his truest potential and is always trying to be 1% better everyday.
“I want to push myself and see how far I can take it, see how good I can become, and really just celebrate the body that I have while I still have it.” – Matt Dlugos
“At the end of the day, it always comes back to hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.” – Matt Dlugos
“And that’s the mentality I take into training every day.” – Matt Dlugos
Felt inspired and want to see more? We have recently launched our new platform LSKD.TV which hosts an assortment of some of our favourite short videos including those featuring the amazing individuals in our LSKD Athlete Team.