Health & Fitness

Run Faster For Longer: Top Training Tips
Want to run faster for longer and be 1% better every day? Well, here is our top tips to do so!
Whether you’re planning to run 100m, a half marathon or a full marathon, all of your runs should start with a warmup and end with a cooldown. Before you run, your body needs to be warmed up and ready to go so you can perform at your best. Start with a light warm up jog for 5 – 10 minutes to increase your heart rate and blood flow. After this, perform some running drills and dynamic stretches, such as A-skips, high knees, walking lunges and leg swings to help get more blood and oxygen to your muscles and help your joints move more smoothly to minimise the risk of injury. At the end of your run, take a light jog for 5 to 10 minutes, allowing your heart rate and breathing to gradually return to normal, and the lactic acid to flush out of your muscles. This will help reduce your DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness helping to speed up your body’s recovery post-workout.
To run faster for longer, correct running form is essential to help you run more efficiently and reduce your risk of injury. When you’re on your next run, focus on your posture by remaining tall from head to toe at all times. As you swing your arms, remain relaxed in your shoulders and fists to allow for a more fluid and efficient running motion. As your foot strikes the ground, land on the middle of your foot, keeping your foot strike underneath your centre of gravity. Keep your cadence high to avoid overstriding, which in turn will reduce the risk of injuries such as runners knee. By improving your running form, you can reduce the amount of energy you use and maximize your speed and endurance.
Whilst your longer runs are excellent for increasing your stamina and endurance, incorporating interval training will help you become faster. Interval training involves alternating short bursts of intense effort with periods of rest, with an aim to push yourself beyond your comfort zone to improve your speed. By adding in interval training into your running routine, you will be able to improve your anaerobic capacity, and increase your speed.
Interval training example:
- 15 min warmup
- 4 mins fast
- 45 sec static rest
- 3 mins fast
- 45 sec static rest
- 2 mins fast
- 45 sec static rest
- 1 min fast
- 45 sec static rest
- Work back up the ladder
- 10 min cool down
Strength training is an important component of any running program that helps to build muscle, improve running form, and reduce the risk of injury. Runners should focus on building strength in their major muscle groups such as their quads, hamstrings, glutes, and core to develop overall body strength and power to run faster and more efficiently. Runners should perform compound lifts such as deadlifts, back squats, and bench press, as well as single leg movements such as single leg Bulgarian squats, sled pushes and single leg deadlifts. Not only will strength training build stronger muscles, but it also will strengthen your tendons and ligaments, allowing your body to absorb the shock of running and in turn reducing your risk of injury.
Consistency is key when it comes to running faster for longer. Remember that everything takes time, and you might not see the results you wanted as fast as you predicted. Start out slow and focus on gradual improvements over time. Make a commitment with yourself to be 1% better every day and complete those miles even when you aren’t feeling motivated because "you learn more about yourself on a bad day, than you do on a good one” - LSKD Athlete Caitlin Banner. Those efforts will pay off in the long term. In between your runs, make sure to put a strong focus on your recovery as it is just as important as the running itself. If you are unwell, don’t be afraid to take a rest day. Listen to your body as it is your engine.
There is only so much you can do to motivate yourself when you run alone, so it’s always a good idea to find a training buddy or a run club to train with. Running with a friend or a run club that matches your goals can help you stay motivated, push yourself to be that 1% better every day, and ultimately take you to that next level.
Are you new to running, but you’re not sure where to start? Check out our blog How To Start Running: A Beginners Guide