
Flood Waters Community Update
Hey Crew,
As most of you have seen by now, QLD and NSW are being hit hard with some of the worst flood waters we've seen in years.
Being based in Logan, QLD our HQ has escaped the worst of it so far but some of our local friends and family have lost everything.
We're putting together an actionable plan of how we can best help our local community right now, in the meantime, please click through to our blog to find ways that you can donate if you are able to.
Let's come together for those who need it and give what we can when people need it most. This might not be funds or items but even donating your time to join a local clean up crew!
Check the links below for details...
Help anywhere NSW & QLD
Donate your time to QLD Volunteer Services
- Donate to our friends at Fitstop: Jindalee
If you are local help out our friends in the Eagleby Mud Army
More updates to come, lets pull together team and help those around us!
Thank you for all your support. Best. Community. Ever.